Monday, March 1, 2010

Sector 21, Sleepovers, Grampies and Pizza

It seems like we've been pretty busy, lately, with homework, a party and sleepovers. Recently we got to spend some time at our friends' Jackie and Noah's house. We take classes with them. They are really nice and they have a wicked cool house, two funny dogs and some horses and a donkey. It's great, because they like to make movies, too, and we worked on a an episode of the soon to come SECTOR 21. It's about a group of people who hunt down the hidden aliens on earth. The sleepover was awesome, we made the first version of sector 21. We had pizza and then we played a roleplaying game and then we went to bed. In the morning their dad made us apple pancakes that were really good. Then later we re-filmed sector 21 which was really fun. It was really great having a sleepover. Unfortunately, we live kind of far from them, but we talk a lot on the phone,and now were on Skype, so that's been cool so we can talk to our friends. Oh, and they like D&D, also!

A couple of weekends ago,the Grampies came over to have pizza. Grampie, Daddy and Olivia and I took a walk down to the beach.

It was very pretty and cold. Then we walked back home and my mom was making pizza. We showed the Grampies one of our family's favorite videos Cake Or Death in Lego, as well as the Sector 21 video. Then we got to eat the awesome pizza my mom made, and salad. Olivia and I later showed them Cooking Mama and we made tons of different desserts.

Olivia and I are taking classes again and we're taking American Literature, Geometry, Immigration and Algebra. We did't have class this week because their was a really bad storm and our teacher, Tina lost power. Since we don't have much homework (other than finishing The Great Gatsby --not a fan) Olivia and I have almost finished editing Sector 21 so were going to publish that this week here is a little teaser video!

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